What’s the best way to separate items in a subject line?

The colon (Test Worx: How many clicks is an image worth?) generated a higher level of opens, but a lower level of clicks.

In issues of Email-Worx, we’ve used a variety of words and symbols – colons, dashes, plus signs etc – to divide the propositions within our subject lines. In analysing the performance of these different separators, we’ve discovered that there’s more to punctuation than meets the eye…

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How to create an effective subject line methodology

Subject lines are one of the first things your subscribers see when they go into their inbox and have a proven and measurable impact on whether they go on to open, click and convert. Which is why so many email marketers spend so much time AB testing their SLs.

As you can see from the chart below, subject line B “Incentivise your email program without devaluing your brand” went into the lead almost immediately, and after 15 days had generated 32% more unique opens and 20% more unique clicks than subject line A “Incentive Programs: Your guide to giving”.

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Email Inbox Placement

“What words should I avoid in my email subject line to ensure I get to the inbox?” This is possibly one of the most frequently answered (if not asked) questions in email marketing. To prove the point we decided to do a quick search “how to avoid spam” + “subject lines”

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How the Obama campaign succeeded with low open rates

The results are in! Chasing opens would have lost Obama the election There is little doubt in my mind that email was the No. 1 non-political contributor to Obama’s win in the 2012 US Presidential race. 75% of the $934 million raised by Obama was attributed to digital and nearly all of that $700 million was raised through email1. That fact alone is phenomenal.

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Are your subscribers where you want them to be?

CONGRATULATIONS YOU’RE RIGHT!. 2.7% of Email Worx openers viewed the last issue on a mobile device.

Merkle’s “Is Email Surviving the Times?” report showed that 44% of people with internet enabled mobiles check their personal email account on their phone; and e-Dialog’s report noted that 33% access email on both their mobile and computers.

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What type of images work best?

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But which picture? Here at Alchemy Worx we wanted to test the performance of images that contribute to a recipient’s understanding of the content of an email. Specifically, we wanted to know what works best when sourcing imagery to accompany editorial content – the pretty or the pretty informative?

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January favorites: The best emails of the month

Retailers often include a ‘free delivery’ message at the top of their email, but a plain line of text can easily get lost among the rest of the content. So here BHS have used animation to flick through two key delivery messages. It’s a simple but effective way to ensure the information doesn’t get overlooked, and also saves valuable space at the top of the email.

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