Creative in the Inbox
We are all for optimizing subject lines – we created SubjectLinePro.com – but we also like to help clients explore more visual opportunities in the
We are all for optimizing subject lines – we created SubjectLinePro.com – but we also like to help clients explore more visual opportunities in the
Months of audience management and offer optimization fuel soaring holiday sales for this beauty brand. Read this case study to see how we partnered with
The results helped Buffalo Trace Distillery grow email as a percent of overall revenue by more than 30%.
We are all for optimizing subject lines – we created SubjectLinePro.com – but we also like to help clients explore more visual opportunities in the
Months of audience management and offer optimization fuel soaring holiday sales for this beauty brand. Read this case study to see how we partnered with
The results helped Buffalo Trace Distillery grow email as a percent of overall revenue by more than 30%.
Untested subject lines are a crapshoot. Like many things in life, subject-line performance falls on a bell curve. Some perform exceptionally well. Most are average
Our regular report of the following metrics:
Campaign Based Metrics
Unique Metrics – by month
Campaign Metrics – by Issue
Click Analysis
Campaign Based Metrics
This month’s update of Email Worx’ performance shows a continuing trend of falling open and click rates. Whilst overall they are still above industry averages, it’s not something we like to see. The total number of subscribers we’ve reached however continues to climb and is now nearly 90% which is a great achievement, and now, with 100% in our sights, we going to try to do the impossible and we’re aiming for 100% by the end of the year… We generally see 60% open reach for a 12 month period so this will be no easy task but a great challenge!
Naked Email achieves an average open rate of 58%
As you know we like to bare all, showing you that we practice what we preach in email marketing. That’s why we are keen to share our success, and to reveal where we feel we could still improve.
After 3 issues Email-Worx has an average unique open and click rate of 58% and 27% respectively and we are very proud that we appear to be providing value to our subscribers. However we still feel that there is room for improvement, but where do we start? That is a difficult question if all we look at are the average open and click rates and highlights the limitations of basic metrics.
A high delivery rate was expected. What surprised us was that there were any bounces at all given how fresh our list was, and the fact that it was opt-in only. We had one hard bounce which was a fake address we entered when testing our form, which we should have removed. The two addresses with soft bounces were delivered our welcome message so we know they are valid addresses. So far we have not had any unsubscribes, and we hope that this continues as a testament to our content and frequency options.
Here’s what you’ve been doing since we doubled out frequency:
Individual campaign open and click rates have fallen to the mid 30s.
However, the number of unique openers and clickers has remained high.
And the total number of clicks has almost doubled since May.
Campaign Based Metrics
How can you make sure that email is the main way that people you know visit your website and interact with your brand online?
Two weeks ago in Naked Email we discussed how limiting Basic Metrics, which look at the campaign and not subscriber behavior, are. The problem with Open and Click Rates is that they tell you what, but not how or why! This makes it very difficult to know what to do to improve performance. It’s a bit like providing a football coach with nothing but the final score after every game and asking them to win the league without ever watching the team play. To win the league you have to watch every game and analyse how your team, and the individuals within it, perform over time.
Hooking new customers into your email marketing activity is the Holy Grail for any business. But what about the loyal customers who’ve been spending and interacting with you for years? Here’s how to keep both sides happy…
Our regular report of the following metrics:
Campaign Metrics (last 10 Issues)
Unique Metrics (by Month)
Campaign Metrics (by Issue)
Click Analysis
Campaign Based Metrics
Email is the cheapest way to contact customers and prospects, and new subscribers are generally the most active on email databases. So as an email marketer, your priority should be getting permission to email anyone who has expressed an interest in your product or brand.
Landing pages are crucial. They provide additional space to promote yourself, help you understand your subscribers and drive more people to your website. Real estate with email is limited, so it’s important to ensure that your email design and copy encourage interactions. One of the best ways of doing this is to have a short piece of ‘teaser’ copy for each article or section within your newsletter and a strong call to action, linking to a landing page where you have all the time in the world to promote yourself.