Send Email More By Sending Less Email (Part 2)

Last time in Part 1, we covered the when and the who of a successful email marketing strategy — who should make up your groups and segments, and when they should each receive your expertly curated targeted messages. Now, we fill in the rest of the strategy puzzle and offer some tips on how to create the most engaging content to keep your audience opening, clicking and buying.

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Movable Ink: Market in the Moment

The way marketers are using technology to deliver content with context is rapidly changing to improve user experience. Integrating dynamic content and contextual technology allows businesses to deliver a personalized, real-time experience to consumers.

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The Art Of Balance

Light bulbs. Batteries. Motor Oil. These are all things that require changing, and there are clear indications when they need changing.

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Building A Cumulative Advantage (Part II): Keep It Simple

Building a cumulative advantage is a process that requires precision and perseverance. In Part I, we discussed the importance of becoming popular early and some methods that have proven effective, and we also addressed consumers as creatures of habit, stressing the significance designing your brand experience for habit. The evolution of technology is responsible for creating new consumer habits – for our purposes, digital habits. In this segment, we’ll address these habits, discuss the dilemma of changing your brand, and conclude with how to effectively communicate with your following.

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The Power of Habit: Emotional Connection vs. Convenience

We are creatures of habit. From the moment we get up in the morning, our habits begin to affect how we function. Think about your morning routine – the order in which you perform your daily rituals. Whether it involves hygiene, beverage of choice, breakfast, reading materials, or checking your social channels, there is a developed tendency that provides order and comfort. This concept of how habits are formed, as it relates to branding, is something we should explore.

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Using Last-Click Attribution? You’re Hurting Email: Part 2

So, last-click attribution fails to give email it’s proper credit for the sales it drives. So what? Why should anyone care? The sales are still happening. Well, if email is driving more sales than it’s getting credit for, then folks across all of marketing and sales should be interested in rectifying the issue. Why? Because proper attribution clarifies how the various sales and marketing channels support one another. For example, suppose for an offline/online retailer, email drives more bricks-and-mortar purchases than it is given credit for. Hint: It pretty much always does.

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