Our top emails of Q3 2014 battle it out – choose your champ!

Ding Ding! Round (Q)3 of our favourite emails is upon us and we’ve decided to keep things simple and pitch two heavyweights against each other. Just pick a champion from these two contenders:


Name: Boden

Key strength: Creative

Previous wins: 2

Subject line: Mind the gap…

Why we chose it:

Engaging idea, executed perfectly from subject line to copy to design

Why it’s great:

Regular readers of this blog will know we have a bit of a thing for Boden but why not when they consistently produce some of the most elegant and thoughtful campaigns? This one is no exception.

Every element of the creative ties in with the chosen theme, the London Underground. Nothing feels tacked on or out of place. The subject line and snippet (Mind the gap… All aboard for Autumn) set up the iconic London Underground design, which isn’t just a frivolous addition. It’s a very effective device that pulls the reader right into the centre of the circle to the personalisation, then down the tube line through all the content.

The idea doesn’t distract from the key goal of the email – recommending and selling clothes – thanks to clean imagery on white space. The blue section titles echo station names but also stand out very clearly against the white space. Where appropriate, the copy continues the theme.

The grouping of the content does a great job of engaging a very wide group of people while feeling more personalised. It’s highly likely nearly every female customer will relate to at least one of the themes: parents, career, friends and who doesn’t hate Mondays!

And finally the theme and creativity is continued after the click, so there is no jarring disconnect with a very well-thought out email and generic landing page. Although we don’t have access to results, we are willing to bet that an additional benefit of this type of joined-up thinking and creative excellence is the positive brand impression it leaves. Kudos to all at Boden (again!).

Last updated: Oct 17, 2016  admin