Mobile optimization in email is now a necessity, not an option

Mobile optimization in email has become a hot topic in 2013, with 43% of marketers highlighting it as the year’s key digital opportunity. Here we take a concise look at the some of the key numbers and potential solutions before offering our own view.


The rapid growth of smartphones, which saw a 47% increase in sales in Q3 of 20122, has fueled a 123% increase in mobile opens over the past 18 months. Current figures show 43% of opens are on mobile versus 32% on desktop3. So, marketers need to adapt to the challenges and opportunities of mobile optimization. The available options must be integrated within a wider email strategy that focuses on brand, messaging and KPIs. We’ve provided an overview of the options below but for more detail, take a look at this Silverpop whitepaper, to which we contributed.

Responsive design

Using CSS3 media query tags, responsive design inserts rules to auto-adjust a message layout, content and text-size depending on the screen size on which an email is viewed.

Mobile optimization in email is now a necessity, not an option

Scalable design offers a compromise for those that don’t use responsive design. It uses a single column and touch-friendly call-to-actions for a mobile friendly template across all devices. However, this is very restrictive when communicating complicated messages and there is no guarantee an email will render at its optimum.

Alchemy Worx view:

With 97% of all emails viewed on only one device4 and 43% of opens occurring on mobiles, responsive design is now a necessity. If you are not optimizing for mobile, then a significant number of your customers might not see your marketing messages as you intended. And confidence in purchasing via mobiles is growing, with 71% of consumers saying an email from a company they trust would influence their decision to purchase on a mobile. Mobile is now a viable marketing channel and email is the most effective way to make it profitable. In the face of these rapid changes, Alchemy Worx now offers best-in-class responsive design to all our clients. If you’d like to discuss your mobile options, simply get in touch with us, you can find all our contact details here.



3 Litmus ‘Email Analytics'(March 2013)

4 Litmus ‘Email Analytics’ (March 2013)

5 Adobe – ‘2013 Digital Publishing Report: Retail Apps & Buying Habits’

Last updated: Oct 17, 2016  admin