Hyper-focused landing pages generate leads

Landing pages are great for lead generation and email marketing. By getting to the point quickly, a hyper-focused landing page can improve your conversion rate. People want to know what you have to offer, how it will help them, and what they must do to get it. After that, it’s all about split testing and gradually improving your pitch. Great landing pages can generate leads that result in retail sales.

What does it mean to be hyper-focused?

Basically, being hyper-focused means getting to the point without a lot of fluff. That’s what we’re going to do here. Before designing a mobile site, “Beyond The Rack’s smartphone shopper conversion rate was only 0.56% and 42% of smartphone shoppers left the site after trying to view just one page of the e-commerce site on a smartphone.” Their content was not designed for mobile devices and visitors to the site left as soon as they recognized this.

When you’re building lead generating landing pages you have got to be hyper-focused on delivering what the visitor wants. Tell them what you have to offer, how it benefits them, and what they must do to get it – then present a clear call to action.

Call to action colors

Take a look at this website offering a report that revealed, “61% of users said that poor performance will make them less likely to visit a mobile site again.” That site has used color to draw the visitors attention to the two most important calls to action. They want visitors to complete the registration form on the right and download the report. Additionally, they want visitors to share the site with their social network. These two sections of the site stand out in yellow and green against the color scheme used by the rest of the site.

Test for success

Some of your visitors will be using mobile devices and other will be viewing your site with full resolution monitors on desktops and laptops. Differences in these devices will require different design approaches. In the past few years, mobile device use has been steadily growing.

“Overall, 90.4% of total web sales came from desktops and laptops in the first half of 2013, 6.0% from smartphones and 3.5% from tablets, comScore says.” While these figures add up to only 99.9%, that’s simply due to rounding. This trend shows that you will need to test your landing pages for effectiveness with a range of devices. What works for visitors using desktops and laptops may not work with smartphones and tablets. Split testing is the best way to figure out what works best for each of these groups.