Why Halloween Is Important for Your Holiday Success (It’s Not What You Think)

Halloween is sometimes over looked by marketers who are focused on the bigger sales events that follow in November and December including Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas. However, Halloween generates high levels of engagement providing marketers with a great opportunity to reactivate customers, as well as create and test customized journeys ahead of the bigger holidays to come.


Use the Lure of Halloween Treats to Reactivate Customers


Use the month of October to reactivate customers before the core holiday push. Go through your unengaged list 2 to 3 times to get customers to start opening messages again. Any revenue you generate is a bonus! The goal is to re-engage your unengaged subscribers in advance of Black Friday.


Why is this key? Studies show recently engaged customers generate around 7x more revenue. Therefore, getting customers engaged in October will pay dividends in November and December.


Run engagement rather than dollar-driving sales. Thank You Sales are good for driving opens while Mystery Sales (with Halloween themes) are great click drivers. Taking advantage of Halloween to activate more customers can have the added benefit of protecting deliverability as your mailing volume increases during the busiest time of your sales calendar.