The Communication Tri-Factor

You want to build up the perceived value of your merchandise, so your customers will choose your store over your competitors.  You also want customers to know that you provide quality products at affordable prices.  You can do all that by putting the communication tri-factor to work for you!

Factor #1: e-Mail Marketing

You know e-mail marketing is a great way to reach out to your customers.  Not only can you let them know about sales and discounts, but you can deliver messages that help build up the perceived value of your products and your brands.  To boost your impact, you can combine your e-mail marketing messages with other communications mediums.

Factor #2: Social Media

Used properly, social media is a way to engage your customers and get them chatting about your brand.  Whether you make them stylish and beautiful or whether you stock their cupboards with healthy food choices, your products impact the lives of your customers.   Use social media to remind your customers how your products make their lives better.Unlike e-mail marketing, social media is not an avenue for direct sales, it’s an avenue for relationship-building. That makes social media a particularly powerful tool when combined with e-mail marketing.  By posting about the same products and values you want to push in your e-mail marketing, you can build interest before and after you send your electronic mailer.

Factor #3: Content Marketing

You know content marketing can build up perceived value by providing customers with information and ideas for using the products you sell.  To make the most out of your blog posts, you need to tie your content into your e-mail marketing and you need to post it to your social media sites.  By tying these three powerful mediums together, you create an impact that is significantly greater than the sum of its parts.

Pulling Your Tri-Factor Together

The communication tri-factor works best when it works together.  Create content.  Post links to your content on your social media sites.  Follow up with e-mails that offer incentives to purchase the products that go with the content you created.  By doing this, you create desire.  You reinforce that desire.  And then you provide the final nudge that makes fulfilling that desire urgent.  All the while, you’re building up the perceived value of your business by reminding your customers of the value they get when they shop at your store.

Customers need repeat exposures to your messages in order for you to create awareness, pique interest, and generate urgency.  You can do this by repeatedly exposing them to the same message, but that assumes the same message will work equally well for all of your customers.  Human beings are different, so we know that’s just not true.

The communication tri-factor empowers you to get the repeat exposure you need in a way that feels natural and inviting to your customers.  They are informed by your content.  They are enticed by the impact your products could have on their lives.  They make an urgent decision when offered the sale that gets them exactly what they now want.