Make Self-Love Part of Your Valentine’s Day Marketing

Valentine’s Day is a time to express our affection for the people in our lives who we care about. For most people, that typically means gift giving including flowers, sweets, and romantic cards.

More recently, wellness experts have weighed in on Valentine’s Day, citing it as an opportunity for individuals to practice self-love as well. Thinking about oneself and taking time for some self-care or self-compassion may seem indulgent, but it has been shown to benefit both mental and physical health.  

As marketers, the concept of self-love at Valentine’s Day provides a chance to increase sales by incentivizing customers to not just purchase gifts for others but pamper themselves with gifts as well. The notion has apparently resonated with consumers. According to the National Retail Federation, nearly a quarter of all consumers will mark Valentine’s Day by spending even if it is not for a loved one with 11% of men and 12% of women planning to treat themselves to a gift. That is great news for the immediate bottom line of marketers.

But taking it a step further, what if you could use the offers that you lovingly bestow on your customers around Valentine’s Day to show some long-term love to your brand as well?