Are your subscribers where you want them to be?

CONGRATULATIONS YOU’RE RIGHT!. 2.7% of Email Worx openers viewed the last issue on a mobile device.

Merkle’s “Is Email Surviving the Times?” report showed that 44% of people with internet enabled mobiles check their personal email account on their phone; and e-Dialog’s report noted that 33% access email on both their mobile and computers.

But what proportion of Email-Worx subscribers viewed the last email on their mobile? Here are the results:

The number of our subscribers using mobile email is rising but there’s still a way to go before they become the majority.

So, what should you be doing today to optimise for mobile?

Remember it’s not as simple as just changing your email design. Subscribers behave differently when using mobile so you also need to consider your strategy, subject line and call-to-action.Here are 8 tips from us:

Consider the objectives of your email – if your CTA is purchase, you might be better not to optimise for mobile as consumers might be less likely to purchase using a mobile device;

Think about your product – you might prefer people to see your beautifully designed products in all their glory on a large screen rather than in a thumbnail sized image (think fashion or iPhones! ) – if you’re a B2B selling whitepapers then it’s a whole different ball-game;

Include a ‘View on Mobile’ link using a short URL and include it at the very top so Blackberry users don’t need to scroll to find it.

Think about mobile options in your preference centre – it’s hard to design for mobile without lessening impact of main version and so a text version may be better;

Optimise your testing by ensuring it includes the platforms and email clients your subscribers are using – and review this list frequently to make sure you stay up to date;

Remember the nudge effect – and make your email valuable even if they don’t read the whole thing;

Don’t waste the top left corner of your email – it’s the part most likely to be seen by all;

Keep the email below 20kb – few subscribers have the patient of a saint;

Mobile email is still developing quickly so keep coming back to it … and reading your Email Worx!

Finally – a special thank you to our 37 mobile email users for making this Email-Worx possible.

Last updated: May 12, 2015  Alchemy Worx