Congrats to our EIS Awards Finalists Dr. Scholl’s and Sazerac!

Marketing Strategy & Tactics for the 2022 Holiday Season

As the holiday season ramps up, it is important for marketers to understand how inflation and recessionary indicators may impact consumer purchasing. This knowledge can be used to create Multi-channel Marketing and Audience Management strategies that overcome consumer hesitancy and maximize engagement and conversion throughout the holiday season.


Consumer & Holiday Trends


Our new white paper, 2022 Holiday Marketing Guide, offers key insights on consumer trends and seasonal trends. It also includes 2022 Holiday Projections you can use to establish initial benchmarks.


Strategy, Tactics, and More


The 2022 Holiday Marketing Guide provides a Holiday Test & Learn plan including CRM strategy recommendations, as well as holiday mailing tactics. It also offers creative best practices to help you make your messaging more authentic, develop strong calls-to-action, and choose the most engaging imagery.


Get the 2022 Holiday Marketing Guide Now!


Get the insights and recommendations you need to create Multi-channelMarketing and Audience Management strategies that drive success throughout the holiday season.


Click here to download your free copy of our new white paper, 2022 Holiday Marketing Guide.


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Creative in the Inbox

We are all for optimizing subject lines – we created – but we also like to help clients explore more visual opportunities in the inbox that can help clicks

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